24 September 2012

new user interface....again?

gila punya blogspot.kenapa mau paksa juga tukar style baru?waktu saya periksa email,saya nampak ada email baru dari google.isinya begini: Dear Webmaster Tools user, We know that having a healthy and well-performing website is important to you. To keep you informed about your site's status Webmaster Tools will now automatically send you a notification email if there are critical or important issues that we detect with your site. We'll only send you email for issues that we think have significant impact on your site's health or search performance which have clear actions that you can take to address. For example, we'll email you if we detect malware on your site or see a significant increase in errors while crawling your site. For most sites these kinds of issues will occur rarely. If your site does happen to have an issue we cap the number of emails we send over a certain period of time to avoid flooding your inbox. If you don't want to receive any email from Webmaster Tools you can change your email delivery preferences at https://www.google.com/ webmasters/tools/ preferences.We hope that you find this change a useful way to stay up-to-date on critical and important issues regarding your site's health. Bila saya mau periksa blog saya ni mau tengok apa problem dia,saya login,saya tengok browser yang saya guna terus not supported.kurang ajar betul! Saya masih ingat dulu pernah begini juga.jadi penyelesaian dia mungkin sama juga.tapi?saya cuba klik roda dekat pilihan bahasa.mau ubah balik user interface lama.tapi ini kali tidak dapat sudah!cis!tiada pilihan macam dulu! Kenapa mau paksa tukar user interface baru?diorang ingat semua orang pakai laptop kah?macam mana berblog pakai mobile phone kalau macam ni? Geram pun apa boleh buat?terpaksa biar saja.tapi banyak yang dulu saya boleh buat,sekarang sudah tidak boleh lagi.tapi saya harap,kalau ada siapa-siapa tau macam mana mau kasi balik user interface blogger style lama,tolong ajar saya. Menyusahkan betul!

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