24 November 2011


Kadang terjadi bahwa banyak
koruptor dan penjahat yang
mempunyai banyak uang
nampaknya lebih bermurah
hati dalam soal memberi
derma dan membantu orang
lain. Apapun motivasinya, tapi
itulah kenyataan yang sering
kita alami dalam kehidupan
Aku hanya memberimu saran
kecil ini; "Jangan iri melihat
apa yang mereka miliki dan
akan bagaimana caranya
mereka menggunakan semua
harta benda mereka, pun
janganlah menghakimi
Marilah belajar dari si janda
miskin yang dipuji oleh Yesus,
"sesungguhnya janda itu
memberi dari
Seberapapun yang Anda
miliki, yang penting
didapatkan dengan cara halal,
maka berilah kepada Tuhan
dan sesamamu, karena
sesungguhnya itulah yang
paling berkenan di mata Allah.
Kosongkanlah dirimu maka
Allahpun bebas mengisi
dengan rahmat baru yang
Anda butuhkan."***Duc in

Sumber:facebook Gereja Katolik

23 November 2011

20 point Agreement

Point 1: Religion

While there was no objection to
Islam being the national religion
of Malaysia there should be no
State religion in North Borneo,
and the provisions relating to
Islam in the present
Constitution of Malaya should
not apply to North Borneo

Point 2: Language

a. Malay should be the national
language of the Federation
b. English should continue to
be used for a period of 10
years after Malaysia Day
c. English should be an official
language of North Borneo for
all purposes, State or Federal,
without limitation of time.

Point 3: Constitution

Whilst accepting that the
present Constitution of the
Federation of Malaya should
form the basis of the
Constitution of Malaysia, the
Constitution of Malaysia should
be a completely new document
drafted and agreed in the light
of a free association of states
and should not be a series of
amendments to a Constitution
drafted and agreed by different
states in totally different
circumstances. A new
Constitution for North Borneo
(Sabah) was of course essential.

Point 4: Head of Federation

The Head of State in North
Borneo should not be eligible
for election as Head of the

Point 5: Name of Federation

“Malaysia” but not “Melayu

Point 6: Immigration

Control over immigration into
any part of Malaysia from
outside should rest with the
Central Government but entry
into North Borneo should also
require the approval of the State
Government. The Federal
Government should not be able
to veto the entry of persons into
North Borneo for State
Government purposes except on
strictly security grounds. North
Borneo should have unfettered
control over the movements of
persons other than those in
Federal Government employ
from other parts of Malaysia
into North Borneo.

Point 7: Right of Secession

There should be no right to
secede from the Federation.

Point 8: Borneanisation

Borneanisation of the public
service should proceed as
quickly as possible[13].

Point 9: British Officers

Every effort should be made to
encourage British Officers to
remain in the public service until
their places can be taken by
suitably qualified people from
North Borneo[13].

Point 10: Citizenship

The recommendation in
paragraph 148(k) of the Report
of the Cobbold Commission
should govern the citizenship
rights in the Federation of North
Borneo subject to the following
a) sub-paragraph (i) should
not contain the proviso as to
five years residence
b) in order to tie up with our
law, sub-paragraph (ii)(a)
should read “7 out of 10
years” instead of “8 out of
10 years”
c) sub-paragraph (iii) should
not contain any restriction tied
to the citizenship of parents –
a person born in North Borneo
after Malaysia must be federal

Point 11: Tariffs and Finance

North Borneo should retain
control of its own finance,
development and tariff[13], and
should have the right to work
up its own taxation and to raise
loans on its own credit.

Point 12: Special position of
indigenous races

In principle the indigenous races
of North Borneo should enjoy
special rights analogous to
those enjoyed by Malays in
Malaya, but the present Malaya
formula in this regard is not
necessarily applicable in North

Point 13: State Government

a) the Chief Minister should be
elected by unofficial members
of Legislative Council
b) There should be a proper
Ministerial system in North

Point 14: Transitional period

This should be seven years and
during such period legislative
power must be left with the
State of North Borneo by the
Constitution and not be merely
delegated to the State
Government by the Federal

Point 15: Education

The existing educational system
of North Borneo should be
maintained and for this reason
it should be under state control

Point 16: Constitutional

No amendment modification or
withdrawal of any special
safeguard granted to North
Borneo should be made by the
Central Government without the
positive concurrence of the
Government of the State of
North Borneo
The power of amending the
Constitution of the State of
North Borneo should belong
exclusively to the people in the
state[13]. (Note: The United
Party, The Democratic Party and
the Pasok Momogun Party
considered that a three-fourth
majority would be required in
order to effect any amendment
to the Federal and State
Constitutions whereas the UNKO
and USNO considered a two-
thirds majority would be

Point 17: Representation in
Federal Parliament

This should take account not
only of the population of North
Borneo but also of its size and
potentialities and in any case
should not be less than that of

Point 18: Name of Head of State

Yang di-Pertua Negara[13].

Point 19: Name of State


Point 20: Land, Forests, Local
Government, etc.

The provisions in the
Constitution of the Federation in
respect of the powers of the
National Land Council should not
apply in North Borneo. Likewise,
the National Council for Local
Government should not apply in
North Borneo

12 November 2011

Tetaplah Kuat bertahan !!

Seorang Prajurit (Special
Force) sebelum benar-benar
diterjunkan pada medan
pertempuran akan ditempa
dengan latihan yang begitu
berat dan hampir-hampir
melampaui ketahanan fisik
pribadinya, yang memang
dalam kenyataannya para
prajurit ini memiliki daya
tahan diatas rata-rata
manusia normal. Tahukah
anda seberapa berat latihan
mereka ? Mungkin slogan ini
sedikit menggambarkan
beratnya latihan mereka
"Lebih baik mati berperang
dari pada ikut latihan !"...
Ya benar! mereka memilih
berperang ketimbang
menghadapi kerasnya latihan,
disisi lain para pelatih
berharap para prajurit yang
dilatihnya bisa memenangi
seluruh peperangan disegalah
jenis medan tempur.

Sahabat Alkitab menuliskan
peperangan kita bukanlah
melawan darah dan daging
artinya peperangan orang
percaya adalah lebih berat
dari peperangan yang
mengorbankan fisik (tubuh
dan daging) tapi peperangan
kita adalah melawan
penghulu-penghulu udara,
roh-roh jahat yang
kesemuanya menyerang
pribadi kita (nafsu
kedagingan, emosi dan
pikiran ketamakan) itulah
musuh utama kita. Kita
dituntut untuk bisa
menaklukan PRIBADI KITA
SENDIRI, tanda kita MENANG
ketika kita bisa MENGUCAP

Sudakah anda mengucap
syukur hari ini, meskipun
berat dan tidak ada dasar
anda untuk mengucap
syukur ?.......Jadilah prajurit
yang tangguh dan kuat karna
tujuan kita adalah Mahkota
Surgawi....Jesus bless you...

Ibrani 12:7-8 Jika kamu harus
menanggung ganjaran; Allah
memperlakukan kamu seperti
anak. Di manakah terdapat
anak yang tidak dihajar oleh
ayahnya? Tetapi, jikalau kamu
bebas dari ganjaran, yang
harus diderita setiap orang,
maka kamu bukanlah anak,
tetapi anak-anak gampang.

Sumber:facebook Aku Cinta Yesus

01 November 2011


Suatu hari seorang budak bertanya dengan

'Pak,apa tu politik?.'

Si bapa pun berfikir jawapan yang ngam
supaya anaknya faham.
'Politik tu
macam keluarga kita.Bapa cari duit
jadi bapa adalah Kapitalis.Bapa kasi
mama duit supaya dia bulih urus
keluarga.Jadi mama adalah
Kerajaan.Pembantu rumah adalah
pekerja.Kamu adalah rakyat & adik
kamu adalah generasi masa
depan.Faham sudah?'

'Tidak..' jawab ni
anak.si mama menyampuk 'Bah
ni malam ko pikir2 la apa bapa
cakap tu.'

Jadi,malamnya si anak pun
berfikir sampai tertidur.Masa tu la
adiknya menangis-nangis
terberak.Budak ni pigi la kasi
bangun mamanya tapi tida
tebangun.Bapanya pula teda.Lalu
dia pigi bilik amah,dia nampak
bapanya sedang 'menggasak' tu
amah.si anak pun balik di bilik dan ganti sendiri pampers adiknya.

Esoknya masa sarapan,mama tanya
'Camna,faham sudah erti politik?'
Dengan tenang dia jawab 'Sewaktu
Kerajaan sedang tidur,Kapitalis
diabaikan dan Masa depan
bergelumang najis..' Tercengang
bapa & mama budak tu...


Dahsyat betul politik budak ni.:P